Published February 24, 2021
Since March 2020 the walls of Culture Box haven’t vibrated to the bass-heavy sounds played by some of the planet’s most groundbreaking artists. The pandemic has left them with little or no chances of performing live.
We continue to investigate how to stay productive and creative in these difficult circumstances. We speak to Denis Horvat who takes a short break from his studio sessions to update us on his thoughts.
Tell us where you are and what you’re working on at the moment?
Since the sudden pandemic lockdown, I’ve been isolated in my studio. At first I didn’t have any specific plans nor ideas about my musical path or direction. When it came clear to me that this pandemic wasn’t gonna vanish anytime soon, I decided to spend my studio hours in a different way. Our scene is shut down indefinitely, so I decided to work on an album.
Did you create anything special while in lockdown?
50 demos, which now has been sorted out for different purposes. As mentioned, I have an album ready, and a few EP’s. Release dates are still TBC.
Any new successful trends you’ve seen in the past year while restrictions were into place?
There are some really nice and useful initiatives such as Master Classes. The time couldn’t be more right for both the artists and the newcomers. It’s always interesting to watch and learn tips even for the experienced producer.
What did you spend time on while not being able to play live in front of crowds?
Well, there’s not been too much to do due to all the restrictions and safety measures. But I’ve spend a lot of time with my family and obviously I’ve been working in the studio.
Will the scene ever be the same as it once was?
I sincerely hope so, even though its gonna take some time to reach the normal level. We have to accept the fact, that the virus is among us now.
Finish the sentence “2020 was…”
an eyeopener. It really made me appreciate all my privileges.
What things are you looking forward to the most that you haven’t been able to do because of the current situation?
I think I speak for the majority when I say, I can’t wait to travel again without any restrictions and regulations. A good ol’ rave.