150 DKK / 100 DKK after 6AMOpen
10PM – 8AMBlack Box
Victor Ruiz
The Hunts
VJ: rymdrum
Red Box
Drumcode’s Victor Ruiz returns to Copenhagen! The Brazilian techno titan is supported by The Hunts and Arya. Robin Flux is also back on home turf and teams up with friends DJ LoveCatt and So,oul in our downstairs surroundings.
First drink/beer for free the first open hour.
Attitude Code
Our Safer Space Crew and Security team are trained to monitor for behaviour that could make others feel uncomfortable or unsafe, and have been instructed to stop this kind of behaviour. We operate a zero tolerance policy to any form of harassment. If you are made to feel uncomfortable please notify our Safer Space Crew or any other member of staff, we are all trained to help you. Read more about our policy and training here: