
150 DKK


10PM – 8AM

Black Box

Extrawelt LIVE
The Hunts

Red Box

Fata & Morgana

Facebook Tickets

Where the normal world ends, Extrawelt begins! The extraordinarily talented live duo from Hamburg is back and bring their musical curiosity and impeccable integrity to Black Box supported by local heroes GÆO and The Hunts. Kater Blau’s Fata & Morgana is in our Red Box alongside kindred spirits Angebot and Møltov. Expect a tingling, warm-hearted atmosphere!

First drink/beer for free the first open hour.

Attitude Code
Culture Box operate an attitude code for a safer space. We kindly ask you to respect your fellow clubbers and our staff to create the best atmosphere possible. We have a zero tolerance policy to any form of harassment. That includes leering, rude comments, touching and any unwanted attention or behaviour that makes anyone feel uncomfortable. No homophobia, transphobia, sexism or racism accepted. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable then please notify a member of our staff or the security, they are all trained to help you. Take care of yourself and each other. Without respect, love is lost.