SAT 19 APRIL 2025


150 DKK / 100 DKK after 6AM


10PM – 8AM

Black Box

What Happens:
John Cosani
Tim Andresen
Fede Pals

Red Box

We Rave Again:
Ivan Ibarra
Luca Leonardo

Facebook Tickets

What Happens is Denmark’s longest-running monthly club night and is widely regarded as one of Europe’s most legendary nights in progressive house. This special Easter event features the exceptionally talented John Cosani from Buenos Aires and Hernán Cattáneo’s Sudbeat Music, alongside Denmark’s award-winning DJ ambassador Tim Andresen, and Fede Pals, who will be celebrating his brand new “Irie” release.

The crew from We Rave Again, known for their illegal techno raves, will host a special indoor takeover in the Red Box, featuring Argentinian hosts Sheik and Ivan Ibarra and guest Luca Leonardo from Italy. It’s set to be a magical Easter Saturday at Culture Box.

First drink/beer for free the first open hour.

Attitude Code
Read about our Attitude Code / Safer Space policy and training here: