
50 DKK to MobilePay 16345


6PM – 9PM


Host: Jesper Møller
Teacher: Pan Skaribas
Teacher: Kara

Time Schedule:
6.00pm – Doors open / Jesper Møller
6.30pm – First class / Pan Skaribas
7.30pm – Break
7.45pm – Second class / Kara
8.45pm – Finish / Open Chat

Pan Skaribas Class:
Pan shows us how to create content and visuals with own unique style. And how to create colours and effects in video files, that later can be used for live shows and events.

Kara Class:
Kara will teach us how to use the Resolume software and shows how Resolume can be used for doing a live performance as a VJ. Kara will also tell us how a show usually runs and how to connect live visuals with the music on the spot.

A part of Culture Box’s vision is to perform unique visual art and image on a professional level. We arrange this workshop to reach out to interested participants and guide them to the world of live visual arts. The vision is also to find potential VJs to practice and to one day perform at Culture Box as part of our VJ team.

Due to limited places on the workshop, registration is mandatory by email to: + 50 DKK to MobilePay 16345

The project is supported by Københavns Kommune and Statens Kunstfund.