Published March 3, 2021

We all dream of the booming bass and packed dancefloors. However, we are still left with little information on when that will be despite talk of rapid testing and vaccine plans. How does that leave the professional musicians and DJs? It’s the question many of us are asking as we approach the Spring and wonder how the nightlife scene will be post the pandemic.
We reach out to Danish techno artist Anastasia Kristensen for an update and to get her inputs.
Tell us where you are and what you’re working on at the moment?
I have been lucky to have enough music projects so far to keep myself afloat. Sample work, EP releases and remixes. I also released a charity compilation.
Did you create anything special while in lockdown?
I think any art created during lockdown is special, because of the nature of the environment we are in right now.
Did the pandemic force any changes for you in an artistic manner?
I certainly started exploring more of art outside of the dancefloor/festival realms.
Any new successful trends you’ve seen in the past year while restrictions were into place?
Livestreams of high quality have been the new trend.
Do you think we will see any big changes in the music style this year and if so what trends do you expect to be big?
I think if we look at what happened during 2020 the scene will be more inclusive and ethical than ever. I’d want to believe that.
What did you spend time on while not being able to play live in front of crowds?
I focused on productions, digging music spheres I wasn’t so well aware of and generally hustling around.
The best and worst part of the job you haven’t been able to do for the last year?
The worst part to be missing is people dancing for many hours and losing themselves to music. The best is not deal with delayed flights and boring airports.
Does Covid-19 bring you anything good to also take with you in life when nightlife is returning?
Definitely appreciate more of what already happened.
Will the scene ever be the same as it once was?
I doubt so, and it’s a good thing. More progressive scene NOW!
What’s your hope for the electronic music scene in the future?
Better and more fair terms for all industry members.
Describe the perfect post-Corona gig for us?
Huge soundsystem, deemed lights, raves reunited on the dancefloor.
Finish the sentence “2020 was…”
What three things are you looking forward to the most that you haven’t been able to do because of the current situation?
I look forward to seeing my team around the world, to visiting new places I haven’t been at yet and seeing the scene develop and flourish (hopefully).
A good advice for Culture Box ahead of the reopening?
Keep the good job at developing local talent and inviting world stars to our little Denmark 🙂